What happens if a friend I refer cancels or returns their order?

Your pending points will become canceled and will be removed from your account.

Why did my account balance go down?

You, or someone you referred, canceled or returned a purchase.

I completed an activity but didn't earn points!

It can sometimes take a few minutes for us to process your activity and provide your points.

Can I use my points during checkout?

Not directly - please redeem your points for a voucher which can then be applied during checkout.

How do I leave the program?

If you no longer wish to earn points, please contact us and ask to be unenrolled. We'll unenroll you and you will lose any points you have accrued.

What happens if I leave and decide to join again?

Just contact us and we'll re-enroll you. However, your point total will begin from zero.

Where can I report a problem or give feedback?

Please use our normal contact details.